The news of the village are very poor. It is not between those who were assigned to the reconstituted diocese of policastro by Archbishop Alfano from Salerno.
Laudisio even mentioned it in his essay on the Diocese of Policastro. Pacichelli writes the old numbering of the village (120 fires, 600 inhabitants) and new (1669) with 82 fires and 410 inhabitants.Galanti says 961 inhabitants.
Alfano attributes the feud to the family Gallotti and writes that there were 990 inhabitants. Giustiniani describes the village: land in the province of the principality Hither, in the diocese of policastro, about half a mile distant from Battaglia and six from the sea.
It is located in a valley, where the atmosphere is very humid. The land is fertile as that of Battaglia.The inhabitants, about 1,000, are all farmers. There are many partridges which are sold elsewhere.
LATITUDE: 40.1532801
LONGITUDE: 15.621147899999983